Admission Name Father Name Mother Name Date of Birth Gender Other Male Female Address Interested Course +2 ARTS +2 SCIENCE ANM GNM DMLT D,Pharmacy B.Sc.Nursing Hotel Management Tourism Management Category SC/St OBC Gen Other Aadhar Number Highest Qualifications 10th +2 +3 PG Other Highest Qualifications Certificate Profile Pic Payment Reference No. Send NM College Sundargarh Students have to submit the following documents along with the application during the admission proceduresFilled application form with attached passport size photo.SSC/ 10th certificateHSC/ 12th or equivalent certificateDegree/ Diploma certificateTransfer certificate/ School leaving certificateCertificate of conductMigration certificateRegistrationEligibility certificate And other merits related to the course (optional)SCHOLARSHIP AND CONCESSION TO SC/ ST STUDENTS:As per Government rulesDocuments needed for this is as:-Caste CertificateIncome CertificateCopy of bank a/c number attached with Aadhar card numberResidential proof